Jenny Robinson (Jenny ‘from the track’)

Completed: 15 September 2021

Photo of Jenny Robinson (Jenny ‘from the track’)
Jenny Robinson
Jenny ‘from the track’
  • Start date: 31 July 2021
  • Age When Completed: 28
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

So thankful to have such a track here in Western Australia

Food/Supplies Comments

I took some back country meals, some feed the hike meals and a lot of continental packet rice. Recommend feed the hike meals.
I think I had gone through most of my ‘better quality’ meals and all my cliff bars by northcliffe, so then was eating mainly rice for meals and chocolate for snacks. Between Northcliffe and Walpole I got a shin splint. This persisted, but improved remarkably after an afternoon in Denmark (mainly in the bakery)
In hind sight I think while I kept up the calories, nutritional value dropped significantly along the way and likley factored into injury. The improvement after some decent food was amazing so on reflection I had underestimated the importance of good nutrition not just calorie intake.

Favourite Section

Balingup - Pemberton. Could hike this part over and over! Blackwood being my favourite hut and all the huts from Donnelley River Village to Pemberton having swimming spots as well as wood stores and fire pits


So many. Honestly the whole thing was like one big highlights reel

Personal Reactions

A calmness and acceptance for everything which took a few days to wash over. Once that’s in place - every moment out on the track is just joy, for being there, the plants the animals and the people I have met along the way.

I started craving my own space and huts to myself. Along the way I learnt so much from interactions with others, hike tips, names of plants and orchids and just sharing views on a variety of topics. I came to the end of my track journey enjoying the company of kindred spirits and loving sharing the track experience with other people.


Emus! With chicks, which lead to some aggressive parents!
Lots of Roos
Lots of tiger snakes in the last sections!
Blue tongue lizards
Whales! I think southern rights with calves!

Your Best Equipment

Solomon boots and injinji socks and liners. All new - 1000Km walked and 0 blisters, amazing

Your Worst Equipment

Trousers were 10 years old and not very waterproof.
Coat was new HellyHason and not waterproof and stayed wet on the inside.

Advice for Others

Get out there, believe in yourself!
End to end or one night on the track, you won’t regret it!