Schools & Scouts

These pages provide youth group leaders with the necessary tools to plan, lead and complete a successful expedition on the Bibbulmun Track. It also provides schools with the resources to participate in the WACE endorsed end-to-end program and students to attain the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.
Teachers and youth leaders please note:
- The Group Notification should be completed before any overnight expeditions on any Parks and Wildlife Service tracks or trails are conducted.
- The group maximum of 17 (including leaders) be observed for overnight walks (up to 30 on the Wellington Spur Trail and other group campsites).
- That only permitted vehicle access points are used to access the Track. Vehicles are not permitted at any campsites.
- That there is a spur trail and campsites designed for school groups linking the Bibbulmun Track just south of Collie to the Wellington Dam recreation area.
- Group campsites are also available near Monadnocks campsite (Alyi-wa Miya Group Campsite) and Mt Cooke in the Darling Range section to alleviate overcrowding at the regular campsites.
- That we have a page in this section dedicated to expedition planning.
- That an end-to-end expedition contributes 10 points to WACE.
Student presentations (Perth metro area only)
One of our trained presenters will come and visit your classroom or group. Presentations are typlically 30-45 minutes to suit students in class time.
Topics include:
- Expedition planning using maps.
- Minimal impact guidelines (Leave No Trace).
- Food suggestions.
- Equipment for overnight walking.
- First aid and safety.
Cost: $POA.
Sign up to our Outdoor Education Newsletter
Making Tracks is our quarterly outdoor education newsletter with the best expedition planning tools and information. It’ll help you engage and get your group out making tracks!
Bibbulmun Track poster map
A must for any class that is preparing to go out, or has returned from an experience on the Track.
- Colourful poster-size map of the entire Track showing approximate locations of campsites and towns.
- Use it to mark the progression of sectional walks, virtual walks or to give students the “big picture”.
- Put it up in the classroom as a constant reminder of the achievement of walking the Track.
- Not to be used for planning or navigational purposes. Expeditions should be planned using the appropriate Bibbulmun Track maps and/or guidebooks (visit our merchandise page).
Food In A Fuel Stove workshop
An introduction to cooking with a fuel stove for leaders. Come prepared to taste-test your creation! This workshop allows teachers to become familiar with the art of preparing easy, quick and nutritious food. Includes ingredients, recipes, menus and the use of fuel stoves.
Duration approximately two hours. Conducted at or near a Perth City location.
Achievement certificates

Present your students with a personalised certificate.
Reward students with an attractive quality certificate featuring a map of the Track and a montage of photographs.
- The certificate acknowledges the personal success and achievements on the Track of the student.
- It can be over-printed with the student’s name and the distance or region walked.
- Suitable for any length of walk.
Handy books for education
Learn about the flora, fauna and natural history of the Bibbulmun Track with our range of handy books including Wildflowers of the northern Bibbulmun Track and jarrah forests.