Endorsed Program for WACE
Bibbulmun Track end-to-end expedition
Students reach Chadoora Campsite for the night.
1. Program
Name of program: Bibbulmun Track End-to-end Expedition
Points per program: 10. Can be done once only.
Description of program
The Bibbulmun Track is Western Australia’s premier long distance walking track, stretching almost 1000km from Kalamunda to Albany. From the jarrah forest in the north to the karri forest and coastal healthlands in the south, the Track traverses some of the most beautiful and wild areas of the south west. To become an end-to-ender requires careful planning, commitment, skills development and determination.
The Track offers various challenges from hiking up one of the highest peaks in the south west and along deserted beaches, to carrying all your own gear and cooking on a camp stove. Each day is different, providing a wealth of opportunities to learn about the changing natural and cultural environment along the way. The sense of achievement at completing each stage of the walk, and ultimately an end-to-end, is something that will remain with the students for a very long time.
Estimated learning time
There are 49 campsites along the Track, each located a day’s walk apart. On average, it is estimated that it will take 52 days to walk from end-to-end. This may be completed in one long stretch (6-8 weeks) or over an extended period with walkers completing a section at a time. Considerable time is also spent in preparation and planning.
Contact hours: 1100.
Non contact hours: 20.
Participant profile: Students in Years 10 – 12.
Award or certificate title: A certificate and badge is issued to all who complete the 1000km Bibbulmun Track. These people are known as end-to-enders. Each end-to-ender must apply for the certificate and record the dates on which they visited each campsite.
Certificate Title: Bibbulmun Track End-to-Ender
Cost: There is no fee to walk on the Bibbulmun Track. Costs involved are in:
- The logistics of getting to and from the Track.
- Food consumed whilst on the Track.
- Backpacking/bushwalking equipment required.
- Staff /walk leaders.
- Any accommodation required before and after the walk.
Students who repeat the program will receive WACE credit once only.
2. Program details
Many young people in WA undertake to walk the Bibbulmun Track from end-to-end as part of a school program. Others complete the trek independently or as part of a non-school based group. The walk provides the opportunity for young people to develop a host of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills as well as knowledge and understanding of WA’s natural environment. It allows students to improve their fitness and well-being and develop associated skills such as in navigation and nutrition. To walk the Bibbulmun Track from end-to-end is a major learning experience and worthy of recognition.
Learning outcomes
Students will need to be able to demonstrate a range of skills necessary for walking the Bibbulmun Track.
These include:
- How to pack and carry a backpack to maximise enjoyment and comfort.
- How to keep gear dry and in good condition.
- How to use and clean a fuel stove.
- Basic navigation.
- How to maintain an overnight campsite.
- Identification of native flora and fauna.
- Basic first aid.
- Nutrition, cooking and food rationing.
Students will demonstrate understanding of themselves, others and the environment.
These include:
- That different people have different abilities.
- The importance of leaving no trace of their activities.
- Their personal strengths and weaknesses.
Students will demonstrate values such as:
- Respect, care and compassion for themselves, others on the Track and the natural environment.
The content and focus of any learning program based on walking the Bibbulmun Track will vary. However, all young people will need to be prepared for the walk. Learning programs may be in the form of sessions run by the Bibbulmun Track Foundation, the school coordinator or community organisation, such as a Scout group.
To be able to successfully complete the walk, students will need to know:
- Basic navigation and map reading skills.
- Basic first aid skills.
- Emergency procedures.
- How to minimise their impact on the environment.
- Bibbulmun Track rules and regulations.
- How to maintain an overnight campsite.
- How to pack and carry a backpack to maximise enjoyment and comfort.
- How to keep gear dry and in good condition.
- How to use and clean a fuel stove.
- How to plan light weight but nutritious meals.
- Leave No Trace principles.
Learning and teaching
This will vary. Some schools introduce the basic skills over a number of years through a series of expeditions and camps. In this way, students develop capacity and understanding over time, becoming increasingly competent.
- There is no formal assessment but end-to-enders must submit an application for a certificate and must be able to demonstrate that they have walked the entire Track.
- Evidence of learning. The end-to-end details form is completed as a record.
- Students enter logs in the campsite logbooks which are kept by the Bibbulmun Track Foundation indefinitely.
- Bibbulmun Track Foundation End-to-end Certificate.
- Photo’s from journey.
Program structure and delivery strategy
This program is designed to be run by Outdoor Education staff at your organisation or by staff with the appropriate outdoor skills and knowledge. The Bibbulmun Track Foundation can provide planning advice. Most of the resources required for planning an expedition are available on this website.
Achievement descriptors
‘Achieved’ (A) or ‘Not achieved’ (N).
- Personnel may have WACOT registration and may be fully qualified teachers. The personnel leading the walks have a unique set of qualifications and are not necessarily teachers. They are often teachers and outdoor leaders. They need to be competent bushwalkers, have appropriate first aid (and aquatic rescue for some sections of the track) and knowledge of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation guidelines and regulations.
- Guides may also be registered with the National Outdoor Leader Registration Scheme (NOLRS) that registers outdoor leaders who have the skills, experience and qualifications deemed as being the equivalent to industry standard.
- Personnel delivering programs to students must have a current Working with Children check if they are not a WACOT registered teacher. Click for comprehensive information on the Working with Children check.
Resource requirements
Camping equipment such as backpacks, tents/shelters, sleeping mats, fuel stoves, first aid kits. Students will also need appropriate clothing and footwear. Most of this equipment can be hired.
3. Occupational safety and duty of care
This is the responsibility of the school staff delivering the program. Some schools may choose to contract the services of the Foundation to guide a section. The Foundation holds a Commercial Tour Operator’s license issued by the Department of Parks and Wildlife. We are also an Accredited Australian Tourism Business. Through this process we are assessed on:
- Licences and Permits.
- Economic Sustainability/ Financial Systems.
- Business Details.
- Risk Management.
- Insurance details.
- Environmental Management.
- Marketing Plan.
- Social/ Cultural Sustainability.
- Customer Service.
- Business Plan.
- Business Operating Systems.
- Continuous Improvement.
- Human Resource Management.
- Code of Practice/ Code of Ethics.
4. Quality assurance
- Group Notification.
- Bushfire safety information.
- Bibbulmun Track ‘Eyes on the Ground’ Maintenance Program.
The end-to-end is registered via the Bibbulmun Track website . The official certificates are signed by the Chair of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation Board and by the Director General of the Department of Parks and Wildlife.
Record keeping
Schools or individual students will need to keep records of when they walked. These records should be kept until the student has completed the entire Track and received their certificate. Walkers are required to sign the log books at each campsite so their walk can be verified if required.
The Bibbulmun Track Foundation maintains a database of registered end-to-enders.
5. Resources
The first page to look at is the Group Notification. This is to enable Parks and Wildlife to monitor the location of groups to prevent overcrowding of campsites and for evacuation in the event of a bushfire.
You will also find a range of checklists and other documents to assist with planning under Expedition Planning.
More information at the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.