Jono Ride (SPROCKET)

Completed: 14 November 2018

Photo of Jono Ride (SPROCKET)
Jono Ride
  • Start date: 29 October 2018
  • Age When Completed: 32
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

I really enjoyed the walk. I even felt an earthquake. Very memorable.

Food/Supplies Comments

Not a bad selection of resupply. Donnelly river village was the best.

Favourite Section

The bits around pemberton and the tingle wood trees near Denmark


The earthquake at 5am hiking just before sunrise. The gorgeous sunrises! The mumballup pub! Having a few too many then realising i was going to arrive at the shelter at 9pm… in the rain… But doing it anyway


Plenty of snakes!

Your Best Equipment

HOKA speedgoat 2 shoes. i didn’t get even 1 blister. Also this beanie i got from mitre 10 with a rechargeable led in it.

Your Worst Equipment

Solar panel.  Pretty much useless on the Bibbulmun!

Advice for Others

Go as fast or as slow as you like. Enjoy it in your own way and get out of it what you want. Everyone goes out hiking for different reasons and enjoys different things, even though sometimes it’s hard to see the other persons point of view it’s no less valid than your own. Hike your own hike. Also if everyone picks up 2 bits of rubbish every day the world will be a better place.