Christian Cote (Chris Cote)

Completed: 15 December 2017

Photo of Christian Cote (Chris Cote)
Christian Cote
Chris Cote
  • Start date: 29 October 2017
  • Age When Completed: 58
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

Life experience for the soul. 45 days of walking, eating and sleeping with a incredible natural world.

Food/Supplies Comments

I did not have any problems with this section.

Favourite Section

I have many favourite sections but the Valley of Giants was great and Blackwood and Schafer campsites were great sites.


Every sections on this trail was a highlight. I was always happy to wake up early to have a new day full of discoveries.

Personal Reactions

The fire detours were the worst parts on my walk.


Incredible! 15 snakes (9 tiger snakes), so many beautiful birds, kangaroos and emus everywhere, and so many reptiles. Every curbs was a treasure box.

Your Best Equipment

My tent as a fly screen.

Your Worst Equipment

My water filter that I used only one time.

Advice for Others

Important to have a routine. For me 5 6 7 was my rule.
05h00 wake up, 06h00 leave campsite and 17h00 sleeping.
Make sure you have a light pack, maximum for me 40 pounds and good boots or shoes. And do not forget the walking sticks. grin