Lachie Morrell

Completed: 6 March 2017

  • Start date: 6 April 2013
  • Age When Completed: 17
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

I really enjoyed the Bib Track. I enjoyed the camping mostly because it gets me closer to the outdoors. the Bib Track allows me to de-stress as I don’t have to worry about anything.

Food/Supplies Comments

The food is fine. I have mostly carried my own snacks for my own preferences

Favourite Section

Pemberton to Walpole, Mt Cooke, Peaceful Bay


Reaching the summit of Mt Cooke so that as I look to it driving to Perth, I can say I walked that large hill. Reaching the beach gave us an insight to how close we are to the end.

Personal Reactions

I do enjoy the Bib Track, however, at the toughest times I did regret continuing.


The wildlife starts to open up the further South as there are more kangaroos and emus

Your Best Equipment

Blow-up mattress

Your Worst Equipment


Advice for Others

Continue the Track as it will benefit you for future.