Leo Le Douarin (Leo! The racing snail.)

Completed: 5 December 2015

  • Start date: 3 November 2015
  • Age When Completed: 24
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

First thing to say is just an amazing trip, every meter of the Bib was just a pure bushwalk experience.

Food/Supplies Comments

I try my best and most of the meal were yummy.

Favourite Section

None really because every step was so good that I can’t tell, but I really enjoyed the ridge, after 800 km, where from the top of the hill the ocean view appeared to me!!

Personal Reactions

Feel grateful to the vollies and the Foundation for keeping this Track so well maintained.


So much to see and discover, I loved the birds who were the music of the Track.

Your Best Equipment

My body.

Your Worst Equipment

My brain.

Advice for Others

The best advice from me: GO for it.