Claude Burro

Completed: 6 November 2004

Photo of Claude Burro
Claude Burro
  • Start date: 17 September 2004
  • Age When Completed: 51
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

A fantastic experience which has been impossible to try to relate to friends and family. I feel part of a unique group of people, particularly those who hae walked it end to end in one hit. The distance walked is amazing.

Food/Supplies Comments

Some provided by family, other bought in towns.

Favourite Section

All sections Donnelly River Village to Pemberton.


Filming an eagle on Mt Cooke soaring on a thermal so close to me. Confrontation with a 1.5 m dugite at Quorram Nature Reserve. Walking through the tingle tree forest at Frankland and Giants.

Personal Reactions

Loved the changing vegetation, the coastal views, the people I met, the comments book. An enormous experience and one that I’m very proud of.


Really enjoyed the birdsong that started first thing in the morning and continued all day. Coastal dune kangaroos.

Your Best Equipment

Good boots and walking stick.

Your Worst Equipment


Advice for Others

Do some tough training including steep hills. Plan food requirements carefully.