Shane Spengler

Completed: 18 June 2014

Photo of Shane Spengler
Shane Spengler
  • Start date: 6 May 2014
  • Age When Completed: 29
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

My sister joined me from Walpole to Denmark, and my girlfriend from Denmark to Albany. Was quite a wet May, and a mostly clear and warm June. Thanks to the BTF, the vollies and the great people on the track.

Food/Supplies Comments

Organised basic food drops in Dwellingup, Collie, Balingup and Pemberton. I got a bit over rehydrated spag bol!

Favourite Section

Mandalay Beach through to Torbay.


There were a lot. Meeting Kerry and Heidi, hut sharing for 5 days with the boofheads (James and Harry), starting the track, finishing the track, carb loading at every town, walking with my sister and then walking with my girlfriend, the friendly people of Denmark, approaching the southern ocean at Mandalay beach. Sharing it all with close friends and family.

Personal Reactions

Lost 17kg! Had an epic experience. Now I don’t know what to do with myself.


A lot of red tail black cockies (plus a huge amount of other birdlife) during the first half. Roos, wallabies, emus, a bobtail, a possum, some quenda, some rats, some friendly mice, 2 small snakes (juvenile tiger or dugites), a feral cat, a friendly pardalote and the occasional human (plus more)!

Your Best Equipment

One Planet McMillan pack - for those who like to carry more…..comfortably. My cushy yet light sleeping mat and my frequently used first aid kit.

Your Worst Equipment

I chose well

Advice for Others

Be selfish, do it for yourself, for whatever reason. I enjoyed it more after I eased my itinerary.