Denise Boyd (Denise Boyd)

Completed: 2 November 2023

Photo of Denise Boyd (Denise Boyd)
Denise Boyd
Denise Boyd
  • Start date: 2 September 2023
  • Age When Completed: 61
  • Direction Walked: North to South

Food/Supplies Comments

All our supplies were posted across and all arrived as planned.  Two months of dehydrated food, worked like a charm.

Favourite Section

Every day had something special, I enjoyed the whole experience


Karri trees and tingle trees - spectacular


Many birds, we didn’t see a lot of other wildlife.

Your Best Equipment

Most of my equipment was great.

Your Worst Equipment

My rain coat was not very good, luckily we only had one day where it poured down.

Advice for Others

Stop and look around, take your time and have moments of appreciation.  So often we trudge along and forget to look up and realize how lucky we are to be able to be in this special place.