Mark Jeffries (Mark Jeffries )

Completed: 26 September 2023

Photo of Mark Jeffries (Mark Jeffries )
Mark Jeffries
Mark Jeffries
  • Start date: 26 August 2023
  • Age When Completed: 57
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

The walk is such an icon with great country, wildlife, wildflower and varying weather conditions.

Food/Supplies Comments

Packed for 6 days but going through towns was a great way to restock and to meet people and learn about the walk.

Favourite Section

Dwellingup to Walpole but hard not to like the southern sections


Karri and Tingle forests.


Loved the snakes and lizards.
The black cockatoos were a favourite

Your Best Equipment

Watch, with compass and walking stick

Your Worst Equipment

Feet,  but due to my own neglect.

Advice for Others

Take your time and enjoy what is around you.