Lyn Urquhart (BibbulMum)

Completed: 22 June 2023

  • Start date: 25 April 2023
  • Age When Completed: 72
  • Direction Walked: North to South
  • Others in Group:

    Kylie Webster.    (Pink Witch)

General Comments

Prior to starting, I had misgivings about whether I should do it, was I fit enough, was I too old, could I carry all the gear necessary. With the help from family and encouragement from friends I decided to go ahead. I have a terrible sense of direction, so my daughter Kylie (Pink Witch) came with me. She’s done it before so knew the procedure, and even despite not liking camping or hiking, she still came.

Food/Supplies Comments

We cooked and dehydrated most of our food. We tried out a few commercial packs as well. We also had Hill Pills, (lollies) and muesli bars for when we need a pack break. Plenty of water and with a resupply we also got Gatorade

Favourite Section

So many. The views from the granite outcrops were magnificent, but I still think of when we had to cross the Pingerup Plains.
There wasn’t a great deal of water but there were some long stretches. Obviously, there was no avoiding wet feet and socks, so we had to be brave and just walk through it. Actually, became fun after a while. Not so much next morning when we had to put on wet shoes.


The best time for me was meeting so many lovely people.
Because we all have a common goal there was always plenty to talk about. I wasn’t the only one to have tired, aching feet.
At the end of the day, I enjoyed reading the Comments Book.
There were so many good stories and so many great story tellers. I especially remember the story about a guy who believed he could eat 2 packs of Butter Chicken and the subsequent results.

Personal Reactions

Now I know I can do it. That is HUGE. I was accompanied this time, but I met so many women who were doing it alone. I’d like to be one of them. I believe I can. At the time I was looking forward to the end, but now I wish I was still out there.


Plenty of roos, wallabies, an echidna, lots of birds, a few scary looking ground spiders and a whale. The whale was the best because we heard her before we saw her. Also, some yabbies on the P. Plains. Saw signs of emus and pigs but didn’t see a single snake.

Your Best Equipment

I started to feel the cold in May, so we received a couple of Sea to Summit sleeping bag liners. All good after that. Got a really light weight low chair too. That was handy when there were only burnt or wet logs to sit on. Great around the fire as well.

Your Worst Equipment

Our rain jackets were dreadful. They kept the rain off but after a while we were sweating so much, I preferred to get wet. Got a few of those cheap, plastic see-through ponchos. So much better.

Advice for Others

Not sure I’m the one to give advice, having jumped in at the deep end. In hindsight, I think it would be good to do a section at a time or even a set number of days knowing you can always leave the track to come back another time. My son-in-law Ross (Mr. Happy) says “If you don’t try, you’ll never know”. Good advice, I think. All I can say is, if you have the wish or the urge, just get out there.