Leah Battalis (Polar Bear)

Completed: 1 July 2023

Photo of Leah Battalis (Polar Bear)
Leah Battalis
Polar Bear
  • Start date: 6 May 2023
  • Age When Completed: 31
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

What a wild ride. Loved moving through the different landscapes and the company of the birds and creatures.

Favourite Section

Northcliffe to Walpole: forests, plains and coasts. Loved reaching the ocean and going for the first salty swim of the trip. Much warmer than the rivers!


The people I met along the way, both on the track and in towns. Also the wild weather: hail, wind and sideways rain. It was a thrill and made getting to the hut all the more rewarding.

Personal Reactions

Loved waking up every day to a new adventure with nothing else to do but walk. It was interesting to see where my mind went during endless hours of being alone, I came to love the stillness and just being.


Loved the whales, dolphins and ospreys of the coast, all the little forest birds, eagles and emus.

Your Best Equipment

Bart the Bear

Advice for Others

Move through the trail with kindness and leave your ego at home. Surrender to the experience and embrace the highs and lows.