Steph Backhouse

Completed: 8 July 2022

Photo of Steph Backhouse
Steph Backhouse
  • Start date: 16 May 2022
  • Age When Completed: 57
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

A wonderful experience: the serenity and solitude of walking in nature which gets under your skin. So much so that I intend to walk the other way next year.

Food/Supplies Comments

I dehydrated all my food beforehand. A few food drops and posted the rest to Visitor Centres. A serious toss up between carrying more weight or going a bit hungry ... A lighter pack won out and I ended up losing 10kgs over 8 weeks.

Favourite Section

I came up that steep sand track from the Pingerup Plains and the sun burst out from behind the clouds. The inundation was behind me and I could hear the roar of the waves as I followed the long white sand ribbon to the edge of the cliff. Then WHAM! the exhilaration of popping out over Mandalay Beach and the realisation that I had walked all the way to the southern ocean!


As above.
Plus the sunrises and sunsets which happen every day but up until the Bibb, I hadn’t fully appreciated.

Personal Reactions

I will not slide back into my comfort zone! Walking the Bibb reaffirmed the rewards of challenging myself and trusting in my own ability to rise to those challenges (and sometimes even to enjoy them).


A real highlight was the Southern Right Whale which kept pace with me along the coast as I walked from Muttonbird to Sandpatch.
I may be the only person not to see a single snake the entire Bibb (though I think this says more about my eyesight than the extent of the snake population).

Your Best Equipment

My walking poles. Remember the relationship between Tom Hanks and Wilson (the volleyball) in Castaway? I felt much the same about Rightie and Leftie, my loyal and constant track companions.

Your Worst Equipment

Waterproof trousers. I abandoned these early in the piece and walked in shorts.

Advice for Others

Do the BTF E2E workshop beforehand. I found it invaluable.
And trust yourself. Danger lies in the fear of an action, not in the action itself.