Michael Carter

Completed: 26 February 2010

  • Start date: 17 April 2003
  • Age When Completed: 62
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

We are indeed most fortunate to have such a Track in this state, I have truly appreciated the efforts of DEC and the volunteers in maintaining the Track.  To put something back into the Track I have now adopted a section so now am one of the Track Volunteers.

Food/Supplies Comments

I carried my own.

Favourite Section

Donnelly to Walpole.


Walking among the tall timbers is indeed a humbling experience.

Personal Reactions

As a solo walker you have plenty of time to ponder on life and enjoy the whole of creation.


Plenty of kangaroos, some emus, quite a few snakes, flocks of cockatoos (mostly white tails but some red tails) evidence of feral pigs and cats.

Your Best Equipment

My boots.

Advice for Others

Keep talking to other walkers to get and share tips.  No one ever knows it all.