Protecting Possums through Feral Control
The Torbay Catchment Group has secured 3 years of funding through the State NRM Community Stewardship program and Federal National Landcare Phase Two via South Coast NRM (until 30th June 2019). The project will protect habitat, raise awareness and survey populations of critically endangered Western Ringtail Possums.
Included is an integrated feral predator control program which received praise by the State NRM panel stating that “This project represents an important contribution to feral animal control in Western Australia” The program includes support for the annual Torbay Community Fox Shoot, subsidised 1080 baiting training and accreditation workshops and feral animal awareness events. Support is provided to assist experienced local shooters to remove foxes and feral cats on private properties in the area and to collect fox and possum data.
Another very important aspect of feral predator control is reinstating 1080 baiting and trapping in West Cape Howe National Park, with support and in collaboration with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions (DBCA).
The Torbay Catchment Group will contract Mike Butcher and his team at Animal Pest Management Services (APMS) to bait, trap and conduct camera monitoring in West Cape Howe National Park in May and October for the next 3 years. We understand the ethical treatment of all animals is extremely important and feral predator control will be undertaken in line with relevant legislation in a humane, ethical manner and with approval from DBCA. Mike has 37 years professional experience Australia-wide controlling pest animals and his methods of strategic baiting and trapping have had outstanding results.
Mike was awarded the 2014 Australasian Wildlife Management Society Practitioners Award for the management of loggerhead turtles at Gnaraloo, Western Australia, having reduced fox predation from 80-100% to zero for the past 5 seasons.
“Foxes can have devastating effects on native fauna and small livestock. We are urging all local landholders to concentrate their feral animal management during May and October to support our whole of landscape approach to feral predator control.” said Wendy Coffey (project officer) “Targeting these months will capture young animals finding new territory in autumn, and breeding pairs in spring. Strategic baiting, trapping and shooting is very effective at these times.”
The Torbay Catchment Group on the south coast of Western Australia, is a community-based volunteer organisation, whose primary focus is on protecting and restoring the health of the lands and waterways within the greater Torbay catchment and supporting a prosperous and sustainable community within the area.
For further information contact:
Project Co-ordinator
Pip Tilbrook
Available: Mon to Wed
Tel: 0439 461 591
Photo Credit: Possum-Wendy Coffey; Fox-Sporting Shooters of WA