Tales from the Track
We are always looking for stories for both our website and the member’s magazine ‘Bibbulmun News’. Why not email your story of adventure? Photos are more than welcome!
Click on the headings to read stories from walkers. They are not listed in any particular order.

Aernout Nieuwkerk, UK 5 August 2020 I’m a Dutchman living in the UK and I had never been to Australia before, so walking the Bibbulmun Track was going to be the centrepiece of my first Australian adventure! Walking the Bibbulmun Track end-to-end had long featured high on my wish list. When I started in Kalamunda, […]

Michael O’Connor, NSW 17 January 2020 Michael on the Track Why would a 68 year-old man with post polio syndrome who didn’t like walking in the first place set out to walk the entire Bibbulmun Track? Friends said “well, he is Irish”. However, as I have spent two-thirds of my life in Australia, I claim […]

Robert Carter, NSW 17 January 2020 Bushwalking is a long-held passion of mine, but many of life’s day-to-day challenges deflect us from those things we hold precious. My work to life-style balance was way out of kilter—luckily Kylie, my wife and soul mate, recognised this. She convinced me to take stock and move away from […]

Sandy Maley, WA 16 January 2020 Sandra planning her maintenance About six years ago I walked from Walpole to Northcliffe. I’d previously walked and paddled extensively in the southwest but several sections were new to me. I already loved the karri around Deep River and had special memories of paddling down the Shannon. On this […]

Carolyn Riordan and Penni Ellis, NSW 16 January 2020 When our Dad, Peter Hewett, was working for the Forest Department and part of the planning team for the original development of a long-distance walk trail in WA, Carolyn and I were in high school, then living in Japan and Canberra. Like most teenagers, we kind […]

Twynam Cunningham, WA 16 January 2020 At the halfway point. (The post sadly missing its directional arms after storm damage.) I had wanted to walk the Bibbulmun Track for years however the vastitudes of farming life meant I’d always been too busy to contemplate even a week away. This all changed when our son Theo […]

Claus Steensbech, Roskilde, Denmark 15 January 2020 “It is an old dream of mine to walk the Pacific Crest Trail but it would take too long. The Bibbulmun Track offers the same type of remote, challenging experience but also has a really good structure with shelters which give a certain degree of comfort. I have walked […]

Allan McKechnie, Bruce Seligmann and Peter West, WA 15 January 2020 In the Beginning… In the beginning…. It was a bold suggestion that BP made one day for he and me and Pete to walk “the Track”, one way “The Track” of which he spoke the Bibbulmun by name only 1000 ks or so […]

Hammy, Carol, Amber and Gordon Russell, Scotland 9 April 2019 We first came across the Track in 1994 when Hammy and I were on a camping trip in Western Australia. Hammy said at that time he would like to walk the whole Track one day. A couple of decades passed, two kids arrived, and as […]

Tamsin Read, Rolf, Katherine and Zephyr Heidecker , Fremantle, WA 7 April 2017 Before the kids came along we spent some time living in Chile, then returned to our Fremantle home, and spent time sailing on our yacht Equilibrium. When the kids were small we took them on a sailing trip from Sydney to Perth […]