Timothy Green (Jake)
Completed: 29 August, 2021

- Start date: 6 July, 2021
- Age When Completed: 49
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- I did a delivery run of supply boxes and left them at the visitors centres of the various track towns. The staff were very helpful and obliging. However it would be easy to buy supplies as you went along most of the way. Important to think through how much food you are going to carry and make sure it is as nutritious and balanced as possible and contains enough energy or you will struggle as you lose weight and energy. Businesses in regional WA towns are very unreliable. Everything always seems to be closed when you need it.
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsOver the last few years I have been travelling overseas a lot and saving the Bib for a rainy day. Well Covid-19 is that rainy day with closed borders etc so I did the Bib. I am so pleased I did it as it was a challenge and an adventure. Glorious to get away from the City, Covid, depressing news and immerse myself in the outdoors for almost two months. Winter was a great time to go too. The track was almost empty, the weather cool and no bushflies!
Your Best Equipment
Darn Tuff merino socks. Incredibly comfortable and protective of my feet even in soaking conditions and unbelievably durable.
Your Worst Equipment
A little disappointed with my Osprey Atmos pack. Load it above 15kgs and it becomes uncomfortable.
Advice for Others
Don't overpack! Do not take things because you "might" need them. You will bitterly regret the unnecessary weight on your back. Don't walk too far or fast each day for your strength and fitness or you risk injury on a long trek and a premature end to your adventure. Don't pay much attention to advice and fear-mongering from the 95% of people who do not have a clue what they are talking about. That includes the BTF and DPAW as they are prone to propagate totally out of date information about the track and unhelpful boiler plate to cover themselves from liability. The most helpful people will be those other walkers who have actual recent up to date experience of the track conditions in front of you. If unsure go ahead and find out for yourself in person - you can always backtrack if need be.
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Solo (primarily)
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
Your Experience
Northcliffe to Walpole. Had the section to myself for almost a week and loved the experience of solitude and remoteness. Also prefer the variety, sense of space and views of this section vs the forests.
Highlight of your trip
Very impressed with the shelters. Made a huge difference to comfort due to the very wet weather. The variety of the track south of Northcliffe. The wild weather. The lack of people on the track due to the weather. The friendliness and helpfulness of people along the way towards Bib hikers was amazing.