Timothy Bunge (TimNicTingle)
Completed: 8 December, 2022

- Start date: 15 October, 2022
- Age When Completed: 60
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- We dehydrated 100 meals and packed them up with other supplies into 13 boxes which we left at strategic points along the trail in a car journey 12-13th October before bussing from Albany back to Perth on the 14th to stay with my cousin Hugh in Applecross and begin at Kalamunda on October 15th. Everything was exactly where we left it in perfect shape!
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsWonderful walk which exceeded our expectations re the variety and intensity of the natural and historical features. We were fortunate to catch the wildflower season, excellent weather, meet wonderful people on the track and in the towns, and enjoy our long lost friendship (Nicole and I both lived in Portland Victoria 1989-90 and have not lived in the same town or state since!)
Your Best Equipment
Nicole persuaded me to get a 500g Helinox Zero chair; great to keep above the ticks! Loved it! New 350g goose down lightweight sleeping bag for warmer climes than Tassie. New 300g Thermorest mattress. Discarding 40yo Trangia for a light and fast Jetboil. New Merino tops and pants for night.
Your Worst Equipment
My boots were stolen in Alice Springs along with my car when I did the Larapinta Track in September. The new $265 Keen boots began to separate from the soles after only 2 months on the relatively benign Bibbulmun Track, very disappointing.
Advice for Others
My walking poles were also stolen in Alice Springs but I found a wonderful length of Jarrah that went with me for the whole journey. Place pink tape around the top so you remember to pick it up after each stop! Don't avoid the wet Pingerup Plains, embrace them, it is a great section, with great flowers, vistas and wonderful Monadocks to climb!
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Other - Nicole Jen Note, I have 100s of great photos to share, but not available on a file to attach to this report. Please check out my Facebook blogs on the track and use any you like!
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
Your Experience
We especially loved the Tingle trees, but also the lonely stretches south of Northcliffe, despite the constant wet feet and mobs of grammar school kids at each campsite.
Highlight of your trip
A Heysen Trail walker from 2014 who lives in Denmark saw my daily blogs on the Bibbulmun Facebook page and sought me out when I arrived in Denmark and treated us to a magnificent meal and a lift around Wilson Inlet to continue the walk from the jetty. We had met for only one evening in Hawker in 2014!