Keith Howe
Completed: 30 October, 2018

- Start date: 4 April, 2004
- Age When Completed: 67
- Direction Walked: Both
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? No
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsStarted walking the track as day trips and only started camping out when over 2/3's completed. Really enjoyed the camping out and wish we had started that earlier. Need to do it all again!
Your Best Equipment
Hip Flask
Your Worst Equipment
All necessary, so much loved.
Advice for Others
Just do it!
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- In sections
- Who did you complete the Track with? Other - Trisha Howe
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
- What first prompted you to walk the Bibbulmun Track? Other
Your Experience
Mount Cooke