Jennifer Fraser
Completed: 29 November, 2021

- Start date: 20 June, 2020
- Age When Completed: 58
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- I do make my own dehydrated meals when I can. I find that I don't eat so much on the track - happy to snack on dried Mango, nuts & have a smaller evening meal ( with Summer rolls after ). Like to stock up at the towns along the way, Support local accommodation - spend a bit more here & use this as my treat..... the huts are free - so please support the towns & available accomodation.
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsAn incredible resource available to anyone who would like to venture into natures best. Day trips, overnighters, longer journeys for the soul or adventurous. Simply the best experience that is available to you & a must for everyone to try. From the first weekend I was surrounded by the quietness of 'just being' and the challenges that can swing your way. The extensive network of trails and track as amazing as the Volunteers how maintain 1000km of track & delivery us safely along the way. Paths, steps, signs, huts, information nights, friendship & sharing knowledge as well as a uniting love of being 'out there'
Your Best Equipment
Tent - please don't go without one. My short rope to hang my pack pack, 1/2 foam mat for added comfort & warmth. Umbrella.
Your Worst Equipment
First sleeping mat - too heavy. Most of the gear I purchased first time - too heavy !!!!
Advice for Others
Start easy or go for an E2E first up.... enjoy the planning for yourself. Plan, research, check out the towns, the accommodation. Research the plants, the weather, the birds & wildlife & enjoy what you see & experience along the way.
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Other - Simone, Fi, Janet. ( Spidie & Piggie )
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
Your Experience
Sunrise at Waalegh in winter. Beedelup at any time. Sunset at West Cape Howe
Highlight of your trip
Endless paths of wildflowers & native birds, mushrooms, log bridges, Donnelly River's cheeky kangaroos, Mandalay beach & the wreck, Sunset at West Cape Howe. Making it to a hut after a long day. Quiet. Rain. Planning the next trip. Sharing tips - happy to be connected.