Jen Winterbottom (Jen )
Completed: 1 July, 2023

- Start date: 3 May, 2023
- Age When Completed: 49
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- Home dehydrated food including vegetarian dinners, fruit, veg, hommus sent ahead to track towns. It was easy to buy supplies for the rest. One of the benefits of walking in the cooler months is the ability to carry some fresh cheese, fruit and veg.
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsAn amazing experience, every day on the track was a privilege I will always be grateful for. Thanks to the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and Volunteers for all the work they do. I met some amazing people from all around Australia and the world - all were in awe of the track facilities, ease and infrastructure.
Your Best Equipment
Everything worked well but I appreciated my sleep system most of all. Thermorest Neoair Xtherm mat, Marmot sleeping bag and thermal liner was so effective, I sent thermals home from Walpole (too warm!) Hoka Speedgoat shoes with injini socks were amazing, no real blisters or sore feet even after weeks of walking through water.
Your Worst Equipment
My trusty Gossamer Gear Mariposa has been a great pack over the past few years but it started to fall apart on the last section, spare shoelaces and a tiny hotel sewing kit came to the rescue!
Advice for Others
The happiest people I met on track were warm, well fed and doing comfortable distances for their fitness and pack weight. A little bit of research, planning and testing will make it easier to just enjoy it all while you are out there. Everyone walks the same track but we each have a different journey and experience of it - one person’s worst day on the track might actually be your best.
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Other - Jason Winterbottom
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
Your Experience
It was all great! The coast was beautiful between Albany and Denmark. The forests were amazing, I enjoyed the transition from small sections of Wandoo, Banksias, Sheoaks and virgin Jarrah of the north to the Karri’s and Tingles of the middle/south. Favourite shelters included Dog Pool, Yourdamung, Schafer, Warren, Torbay, Frankland and Beraking.
Highlight of your trip
Eating lunch on a fallen log near Mt Wells and being circled by a trio of curious emus. Sharing a campfire under the rising full moon as the sun was setting at Beraking with a northbound end to ender and maintenance volunteers who fed us chocolate, marshmallows and wine! Waking up to a sea of mist at Blackwood. Whale watching on the south coast, making the most of the numerous benches along that section of the track. Being in awe of the power of nature while walking through strong winds, relentless rain, hail and sand on the coast.