Dave Harrison (Dave H)
Completed: 14 June, 2019

Dave H
- Start date: 7 February, 2018
- Age When Completed: 47
- Direction Walked: Both
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- Started off on commercial meals but have since moved onto dehydrating my own.
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsA great journey completed over 7 sections. Every section was something new. Happy to say I did most of my travel on public transport.
Your Best Equipment
My gear evolved so much from my first section. Not much from that first trip made it to Albany. My favorite piece however would be my Tier Gear Quilt. So warm!!
Your Worst Equipment
Had nothing that bad, just found better things to replace the old stuff. Was glad to retire my old sleeping bag this winter though.
Advice for Others
TransWA timetable & routes make it so easy to get out & enjoy without the hassle of dealing with a vehicle or relying on others.
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- In sections
- Who did you complete the Track with? Solo (primarily)
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
- What first prompted you to walk the Bibbulmun Track? Other
Your Experience
Found something special in each one, but Balingup to Northcliffe would be my pick. Winter in the valleys & along side the rivers was great.
Highlight of your trip
The weather along the South coast during my Walpole to Albany section. A week of strong cold fronts alongside a wild ocean was both challenging & exhilarating. Feeling the power of nature & the colors of the skies was spectacular.