Claire Petit (Claire)
Completed: 31 October, 2020

- Start date: 15 September, 2020
- Age When Completed: 32
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- I resupplied in the track towns shops only and always found what I needed. Maybe not my favourite, but always something.
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsThe Bibbulmun is my first long distance. I was in Switzerland when I read about it. I flew to Australia 3 weeks after. I couldn't walk last autumn and stayed in WA. Eventually, I had another chance last spring and got to enjoy the flower season!
Your Best Equipment
A bivy bag. Apparently uncommon. I think it has many advantages: emergency shelter in case I can't make it to the camp; mosquito net; moisture and dust protection; a bit of privacy... Only 600g!
Your Worst Equipment
A 3 seasons sleeping bag! It was a decent one and temperature wise everything was ok, on paper. I was shivering for hours during the night! I had to call for help and get off the track to replace my stuff, -6°C confort temp. was actually what I needed.
Advice for Others
Here is what I needed to hear when I was planning my walk. Hopefully it can be helpful to others. - Slow down and enjoy: It's not about going from A to B. Performance, control and big figures... Let them out of the track. This is an opportunity to change your mindset and connect with yourself and nature. For once, for real. - Look after yourself: rest before being tired, drink before being thirsty and heal before being injured. It's a long run. Make sure you'll be ok tomorrow and in 3 weeks from now. - Test your all gear beforehand: that includes overnight and in relevant weather conditions. It is crucial for the success of the walk and gear is something that is easy to have control over.
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Solo (primarily)
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
Your Experience
My favourite section is Balingup to Pemberton. I'm all about forest! Wild flowers and towering trees were magnificent.
Highlight of your trip
Day one at the northern terminus in Kalamunda felt like a first day of primary school. An other memorable moment is when I reached the ocean after a few weeks on the track. I spent two hours contemplating the shore while having pennut butter and chocolate. Yes, the whole jar.