Caroline Grandjean-Thomsen (Caroline)
Completed: 8 November, 2019

- Start date: 15 September, 2019
- Age When Completed: 35
- Direction Walked: Southbound
Track Towns and Supplies
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? Yes
- I bought a dehydrator a few weeks before starting the journey. I tried out making different meals and it was SO worth it! The only thing I would do better next time is pre-cook my rice and dehydrate it (as trying to cook aborio rice took 20 mins and too much fuel!!!) Great to carry a tent - I'd set it up in the hut if it was not full, to act as a barrier from the mozzies/flies, and it also made a little cocoon home for me which was nice. BUt I loved camping out under the trees the best though!
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsIt’s funny comparing photos of day 1: excited, clean and chubby-cheeked, to day 54: exhausted, filthy and hiker-trashy. Arriving at the Southern Terminus was great yet also strange. This experience really was all about the journey and its learnings. I took each day as it came, and suddenly that very distant goal sprung up from nowhere. Kind of feels like it’s another rest town, a break before continuing on. The whole journey felt like being in a timeless slipstream - with no past or future - simply living in the present. I have specific memories of amazing (and not-so-amazing) moments, all within a fantastic blur of adventures. Somehow I did not get a single blister. And, I now know the secret to eating ALL the burgers, chips, chocolate and candy you want, and still losing weight!
Your Best Equipment
Toe socks under my woollen socks! I managed to avoid blisters for my entire journey! My precious hat - it protected me from all the harsh elements - from sunburn, it kept my head warm when it was super windy, and made the abundance of flies manageable!
Your Worst Equipment
My cookpot. It was a bit small so cooking could get a bit messy. Maybe next time I will bring a bigger cook pot, or an extra bowl. But really, it was fine!
Advice for Others
Take care of your feet, first and foremost! Prepare - find the right boots, wear them in before leaving. Take quick rests regularly, sit down and put your feet up. Consider wearing toe socks under your wool socks, if you feel any "hotspots" treat them immediately to prevent blisters. The App "Guthook" was amazing. It was my digital map back up to the physical maps. It shows your GPS location even with no phone reception, and it gave me assurance to know where I was pretty accurately. It also shows elevations so you know when to expect big hills! If you are particular about what you like to eat or don't want to spend too much money, send food supply boxes to the smaller towns (Dwellingup, Bailingup, Donelly River Village, Peaceful Bay). Doing this prep work beforehand takes time, but it saves you a lot of time when you're in the towns (so you have more time to chillax and rest instead!)
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- All at once
- Who did you complete the Track with? Other - Steve Willems
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
- What first prompted you to walk the Bibbulmun Track? Other
Your Experience
So many favourites, but narrowing down to two: Walking through the Tingle Forest near Walpole. Walking along the coast and beaches.
Highlight of your trip
Donelly River Village - my favourite rest stop town. Being so close to the "locals" - the Kangaroos and Emus was so special (and hilarious!). The town itself has such an amazing "back in time" feel, with no phone reception so everyone just gets outside and cherish the present moment! Celebrating my 35th birthday with 4 other end-2-end hikers, dancing around in the pouring rain, arriving at Mt Chance and finding a bottle of Shiraz and snakes in a treasure hunt that some hikers I'd met a few days before had created! The sun suddenly came out, so I climbed Mt Change and got to cherish the most amazing sunset and views, before being spoilt at a birthday party complete with a lamington cake, red wine, lots of cheese and chocolate and chips! Best birthday EVER! Stopping just outside Pemberton to climb the Gloucester Tree. I finally knew what it was like to be a bird perched high up on a Karri Tree. The few final days through The Valley of the Giants, home to the most beautiful and majestic tingle, jarrah, karri and marri trees. They are so powerful. As I said my final goodbye to them, emotion came over me and I suddenly started to cry. I still don’t know why - perhaps it’s because they’ve been my silent supporters from day 1, having watched over me for so many weeks walking the trail. And our parting symbolised how far I’d made it on this marathon of a trail. Arriving at Mandalay Beach, after weeks of walking though eucalypt forest. The terrain changed dramatically in the space of a few hours. The hum of the ocean’s waves became louder as we finally arrived on south coast. The trail transformed to soft sand, beautiful beaches, rugged hilly sand dunes and epic coastal views - still with amazing colourful flowers!