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Walpole-Nornalup Visitor Centre


The Walpole-Nornalup Visitor Centre is a great place to stock up on maps, gifts and souvenirs. The friendly team of staff can assist you with all your accommodation and tour requirements and have a wealth of local knowledge on the Walpole wilderness area.

The centre is open all year round (excluding Christmas Day).

The current opening hours as per January 2025 are (please note that these will change to shorter opening hours soon – TBA):

Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm

Saturday 10am to 2pm 

Please note the visitors centre has a lock box outside the centre, which can accommodate most food boxes (depending on the size). Walkers need to contact the centre within opening hours on 08 9840 111 for the code to access the lock box outside of hours.

Meal Prices



  • TCWA Accredited
Walpole-Nornalup Visitor Centre thumbnail

Contact Details

Telephone: (08) 9840 1111
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 10am - 4pm Saturday, 10am to 2pm


Street Address

Pioneer Park
South Coast Highway
Walpole 6398

Postal Address

PO Box 196
Walpole 6398