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Forest Explorers


“Having a passion, local knowledge and on the trails daily. I have the experience to share with you trail transfers, flora and fauna, heritage and mural expertise”Alison Melvin, Forest Explorers.

For your trails transfer, Forest Explorers offers a roomy comfortable accredited 4WD vehicle to transport you to and from your destination. Seating up to four people, they can deliver that special country personalised service and experience.

Tours range from 1.5hrs walking guided tours to 5hrs driving within the Collie River Valley.
Collie Mural Tour
Outdoor gallery features more than 25 murals. Exploring the streets & alleys of Collie to discover mural stories on Environment, Indigenous and heritage by Western Australian Artist.
Alison participated in the Throssell St mural “Bones Of Collie #7” the experience assists to deliver an understanding of the mural insulation to all.

Wildflower Tours
Commencing in September.
Tours include Bibbulmun Track, Karak path, local riches and drives along our Collie River Valley, while stopping frequently to discover our unique diverse Jarrah forest flora and fauna. Covering all trail grades up to Grade three for all-inclusive tours

Fresh air and re-freshed
Alison is also involved in the Wildflower Display at the Collie Visitor Centre and Coalfields Museum.

Heritage Tours
There is history behind every façade.
These guided tours include town buildings along Throssell Street and past industries with points of interest along the historic journey.
Sightseeing the old world and the new.

For a memorable indulgence of outdoor color and enthusiasm, contact Alison. She looks forward to meeting you in the wonderful outdoors!

Forest Explorers thumbnail

Contact Details

Email: info@forestexplorers.com.au
Mobile: 0427 981 187



Street Address

Forrest St
Collie 6225

Postal Address

PO Box 213
Collie 6225