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Denmark Co-Operative

Services: ,

The Denmark Co-Operative is open seven days a week and is located at the crossroads in the very centre of town. With a fully-stocked department and hardware store, there’s a very good chance that you will find everything you need at Denmark Co-Op. The staff are friendly and are always happy to welcome Walkers and share their local knowledge. Next time you’re in Denmark, stop by Denmark Co-Op for all your hiking needs.

The green logbook for walkers is also kept at the Denmark Co-Op.


  • Camping Fuel Supplies
  • Mail & Parcel Holding
  • Cash Out Facilities
Denmark Co-Operative thumbnail

Contact Details

Telephone: (08) 9848 1200
Email: admin@denmark-coop.com.au
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 8am – 5pm | Saturday: 8am – 4pm | Sunday: 9.30am – 12.30pm



Street Address

Cnr Strickland Street and South Coast High
Denmark 6333