Greg Foster (The Inspector)
Completed: 20 September, 2024

The Inspector
- Start date: 5 May, 2019
- Age When Completed: 60
- Direction Walked: Both
Track Towns and Supplies
- How many days did you stay in Track Towns? 9
- Did you have any issues finding food/supplies? No
- Didn't buy much from each track town as I traveled from Perth to do each section, so bought all supplies in Perth and didn't need to resupply as I mostly did the track in 3-5 day sections.
- Albany
Your Story or Advice for Others
General CommentsGo on a BTF guided walk! I went on the KTC Easter walk in 2021 and made some terrific friends who helped me finish off the sectional E2E in great company.
Your Best Equipment
Aarn Peak Aspiration rucksack. Super comfortable, reliable and water proof.
Your Worst Equipment
My trail runner shoes which were super comfortable, but not enough ankle support, lasted 12km before sustaining a knee strain.
Advice for Others
Walking the track is a much richer experience with friends and some company
Trip Details
How you completed the Bibbulmun Track:- In sections
- How many days did it take you to complete the Track? 55
- Who did you complete the Track with? With friends
- Was undertaking your hike the PRIMARY/MAIN purpose of your TRAVEL from where you currently live? No
- What first prompted you to walk the Bibbulmun Track? Word of mouth/friends
- BT Maps
- App (please specify)
- - Far Out
Your Experience
- Availability of information: Excellent - I relied heavily on the BTF website for all planning, especially working out car access for different sections, plus company's that do track transfers etc.
- Amount of Wildlife Encountered: Fair - Yes quite few friendly roos between Conspicuous Cliff and Rame Head was very special
Denmark to Albany
Highlight of your trip
The stunning coastal views along the south coast from when you leave Nullaki until Sandpatch.