Mark Gardener (Tree Man)

Completed: 4 January 2020

Photo of Mark Gardener (Tree Man)
Mark Gardener
Tree Man
  • Start date: 31 October 2019
  • Age When Completed: 51
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

66 glorious days

Food/Supplies Comments

Track towns had excellent supplies

Favourite Section

Karri forests


Living outdoors for so long such that I felt completely comfortable with nature and its so called hardships; walking among the majestic karri and tingle forests (great to share that with Mark Meekan see photo); the 150km slog across the swampy, sandy Pingerup plains ending at the azure Southern Ocean; spending Christmas at Peaceful Bay caravan park with a generous bunch of fellow ‘aussies’ with origins from all corners of the globe; and sharing the last week with my incredible wife and awesome daughter.

Personal Reactions

It is fear that holds us back. Fear of not meeting expectations; fear of what other others might say; fear of getting hurt; and fear of the unknown. I faced all of those fears by just putting one foot in front of the other and feeling proud at the end of the day when I reached another hut or town.

Your Best Equipment

Walking poles