Ken Beatty (Ken B)

Completed: 13 October 2017

Photo of Ken Beatty (Ken B)
Ken Beatty
Ken B
  • Start date: 25 August 2017
  • Age When Completed: 62
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

Great experience.
Amount of water on the Track was challenging at times.

Food/Supplies Comments

Supplied most of evening meals by dehydration and vacuum sealing own. Very effective. Lots of dried fruit and nuts and chocolate to keep me going during day.
Track towns great for comfort food.

Favourite Section

Albany Hwy to Dwellingup.


Prolific wildflowers and the great people I met along the way.

Personal Reactions

Pleased at body response to the challenge both physically and mentally.


Plenty of kangaroos and snakes along south coast. Lots of evidence of echidnas and bandicoots but no sightings. Fantails were a constant companion.

Your Best Equipment

Walking poles saved me from falls on many occasions.

Your Worst Equipment

Backpack - old and heavy.

Advice for Others

Seek advice but be prepared to walk the Track to your own tune to enjoy it. i.e. don’t try to emulate others.