Michael A Oakley

Completed: 8 April 2017

Photo of Michael A Oakley
Michael A Oakley
  • Start date: 1 January 1997
  • Age When Completed: 53
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

Loved the Track.

Food/Supplies Comments

Towards the end I found the best and easiest food was shop bought dehydrated stuff, noodles, dried potatoes, dried egg, garlic, dried onion, dried peas, coconut powder, curry powder, chilli powder, muesli, milk powder etc!

Favourite Section

Probably the beaches on the south coast, and the open wandoo woodland in the northern parts.


Not enough wildlife due to far too many bushfires, sometimes go for a day in burnt out bushland with NO wildlife :-(
Lots of snakes on the coastal sections.

Your Best Equipment

Osprey backpack, Luci light.

Your Worst Equipment

Berghaus backpack

Advice for Others

Pack what you ‘think’ is right then go for a practice walk of at least 3 days then come home and throw most of it away and start again.
Go to bed early each night and get up early, eat loads of muesli and get going so that you get there early and have a leisurely afternoon to sort out your personal admin and prepare a nice meal.
Kit gets better and better each year, so look at what other kit people use and, if you like it and if you can, get it!
And, my motto for life:- JFDI grin