Hee Kang

Completed: 28 November 2016

  • Start date: 20 October 2013
  • Age When Completed: 67
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

I feel springtime is the best time to go, it is so nice to see the wildflowers come to bloom and enjoy the fragrance they gave.

Food/Supplies Comments

I would eat dry fish and dry seaweed. It was light to carry and easy to cook.

Favourite Section

Everything was fascinating.


Lake Maringup campsite was my highlight. It had been closed due to flooding and we were the first allowed back for a swim.

Personal Reactions

I trust myself very strongly now, this experience gave me a strong confidence in myself.


I saw many of the black cockatoos. They were my favourite.

Your Worst Equipment

Put Vaseline cream on your feet and then cotton socks. Then put on 2 pairs of woolen socks. I never had problems or pains with my feet.

Advice for Others

Put Vaseline cream on your feet and then cotton socks. Then put on 2 pairs of woolen socks. I never had problems or pains with my feet.