Janet McIntosh (Thirty and a BIT)

Completed: 28 June 2016

  • Start date: 30 April 2016
  • Age When Completed: 60
  • Direction Walked: South to North

General Comments

Thanks so much for the Foundation’s provision of this fine Track. With such good markings, achievable distances and well kept campsites this Track is suitable for a huge range of walking capabilities.

Food/Supplies Comments

Precooked, dehydrated meals were very successful, yummy and light to carry.

Favourite Section

The coastal section - such wild beauty, but all was interesting.


The variations in terrain and flora. The camaraderie on the Track. The outstanding campsites - particularly the coast, Lake Maringup, Beraking, Waalegh and Helena.

Personal Reactions

I was thrilled to find that the solitude of walking alone ;was not at all lonely! So much time to think, absorb and indulge!


Although the wildlife was not abundant - I really enjoyed the wrens and especially the black cockatoos.

Your Best Equipment

My feet!

Your Worst Equipment

I found my walking poles were a hindrance not a help.

Advice for Others

Try to pack lightweight and acquire extra things only if necessary after you begin.