Jake Yarwood

Completed: 3 December 2015

  • Start date: 22 October 2015
  • Age When Completed: 24
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

What an amazing experience! My only gripe being that the trail isn’t longer.
Big love to the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and all the volunteers for such outstanding work.

Food/Supplies Comments

I dehydrated and pre-packaged all my own food with estimates of 800-900 grams a day and supplemented at trail towns accordingly.
After a couple weeks my metabolism really kicked it up a notch so the more food you bring the better.

Favourite Section

N/A. It was all super beautiful.


Meeting new and wondrous folk may well have been the highlight of the trip for me. Otherwise, everything to do with being outside!

Personal Reactions

The experience as a whole was blissful. Being on the trail is a freedom like no other.


Varied substantially and it never ceased to leave me in awe.

Your Best Equipment

That’s difficult but here goes: Bandanna (used for everything imaginable), sit pad, hiking poles, toe socks, trail runners and my super cosy quilt.

Advice for Others

Pack as (ultra)light as you possibly can and embrace the experience with an open mind and a big heart. But most importantly, hike your own hike.