Samatha Kirby (Comet)

Completed: 30 October 2015

  • Start date: 9 September 2015
  • Age When Completed: 26
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

An excellent, well maintained Track that really acquaints you with the heart of WA. My only complaint is that its not three times as long! One you start walking you never want to stop.

Food/Supplies Comments

Worth it to dehydrate your own! Wish I had. The most chocolate and biscuits the happier the hiker!

Favourite Section

Donnelly River - Northcliffe, south coast.


Reaching the Southern Ocean at Mandalay Beach after a long march across the plains, crossing Murray and Shannon Rivers, marshmallows and Baileys at Possum Springs thanks to beautiful ‘Trail Angel’ Susie; meeting some amazing, inspiring, unstoppable hikers from all around the world!

Personal Reactions

We need waugals more frequently along the trail, just the keep anxiety levels down!


Ton of kangaroos, enough tiger snakes, bobtails, red and white tailed black cockatoos, too many birds to name!

Your Best Equipment

Fixomull, Lorna’s billy!

Your Worst Equipment


Advice for Others

Hike the Bibbulmun Track! And always bring warm clothes - it can get cold out there.