Natalie Spencer (Natalie S)

Completed: 19 November 2014

Photo of Natalie Spencer (Natalie S)
Natalie Spencer
Natalie S
  • Start date: 20 September 2014
  • Age When Completed: 38
  • Direction Walked: North to South
  • Others in Group:


General Comments

Wow I made it! My unadvised plan to walk my way into fitness worked, with me just making my first 10km downhill day, and then just making it every day, all the way solo to Albany! Who would have thought?! I took my time plodding along but I was consistent. No double huts for me and a rest day in each town. Different pace of life was refreshing and simplified but every day was still a challenge!

Food/Supplies Comments

I ate very well with a combination of pre-prepared dehydrated foods and top ups from towns. I was lucky enough to have my parents visit me in some of the towns and posted packs onto others. I always enjoyed my first night steak burger out on the track! I had a lot of variety and I don’t know how other people could get by on eating the same thing day after day. I ate so well in fact I only lost 2 kgs in 8 and 1/2 weeks!

Favourite Section

Walpole to Peaceful Bay was my favourite section (had a bit of everything), along with the karri forests, and section along the river between Tom Road to Boarding House, particular between Green’s Island and One Tree Bridge.


Coastal scenery was spectacular, loved the karri and tingle forests, and of course, the campsites and towns were always a welcome sight!  The dancing bird life often lifted my spirits along the way - loved the fairy wrens!

Personal Reactions

Amazed at my persistence and perseverance to complete the goal I had set my mind to!  Big thanks to all who helped me along my way and the volunteers who maintain the track.


47 snakes!! Some of which were way oh so TOO close encounters!! Kangaroos, emus, goannas (including a huge prehistoric one I almost stepped on!), lizards, a quokka (I think) and many types of birds.

Your Best Equipment

Walking poles, InReach SE (communication device superior to the SPOT), sleeping mat, Jet-boil - all my equipment really! They all did the job they were supposed to do!

Your Worst Equipment

The most annoying part was the zips on my sleeping bag and raincoat required patience and touch!

Advice for Others

Take your time, get out and do it!