Melanie Kilpatrick (Princess Ophidiophobia)

Completed: 4 August 2014

Photo of Melanie Kilpatrick (Princess Ophidiophobia)
Melanie Kilpatrick
Princess Ophidiophobia
  • Start date: 23 June 2013
  • Age When Completed: 66
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

I did it!!
Mostly South to North, but some bits back to front if I was able to organize a pick up/drop off spot. 

Food/Supplies Comments

Loved everything I took.

Favourite Section

The whole bloody lot!  Oh, maybe not the sand dunes.
Around Pemberton was great as was able to do bits and go back to the wonderful Picture theatre more often than I should have.


The worst bit, which is now my proudest bit, was getting caught in a hell of a storm going into Collie.  No wonder I loved Collie!  Arrived there NOT dead….  The pool at the top of White Horse Hill was also pretty special.

Personal Reactions

Mainly that I got over my morbid horrid uncontrollable fear of snakes.
Also the fact that I did the whole walk when even I did not believe that I could.


Do the pig shooters and their dogs count?  They worried me quite a bit.  Too often.

Your Best Equipment

My gaiters.  They protected my head!  My tiny tent which allowed me to collapse when I wished to.  My boots.  Not a single problem with my feet.

Your Worst Equipment

Nothing.  Was so happy with my packed gear.  Did not have anything that was not used…(apart from EPIRB) and did not need anything more than I had.  Pretty good aye?

Advice for Others

Do not rush this amazing walk.  Slow down.  Look at what is around.  Enjoy every bit of it.  Especially those hills!  Stop for enough rest days, explore the towns.  Meet the locals. Make it a walk that you can relive over and over again in your Old Age Home!