David Parmenter

Completed: 26 October 2012

Photo of David Parmenter
David Parmenter
  • Start date: 27 December 2008
  • Age When Completed: 47
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

I completed a sequential N-S end-to-end in 12 sections over 4 years starting with some long weekends and day hikes then gradually increasing to 10 and 11-day hikes when further from home.  Other than 3 day-hiked sections, I walked the track solo.

Food/Supplies Comments

I generally carried all my food for each section from the start but would always look for an opportunity to grab a burger when arriving at or passing through a town.

Favourite Section

My favourite campsite was ‘Tom Road’ and I enjoyed the section south from here following the Donnelly River and other brooks to Pemberton.


The views from Mt Cuthbert, Mt Vincent & Mt Cooke.  Diverse flora in bloom on the south coast.  Any opportunity for a refreshing wash in any ocean or stream after a hot day’s hike.  The canoe trip over the Irwin Inlet was also a novelty.

Personal Reactions

Sectional hikes suited me as I was able to start each section refreshed and enthusiastic.  Some days were both mentally and physically challenging (and if they weren’t, it was worth double-hutting to make sure they were).  I met some nice people on the way and discovered places that I would probably never would had seen.  I also loved how the forest came alive with bird song at dawn.


About 20 snakes in southern portion (tiger snakes and dugites).  A lot of kangaroos and smaller marsupials including echidna, chuditch and possum.

Your Best Equipment

As I seemed to be a fly magnet, the fly net on my hat kept me sane enough to enjoy the walk, particularly in the open southern sections.  Also needed for mosquitoes on a couple of occasions.

Your Worst Equipment

My full-length self-inflating air mattress was too heavy and not comfortable enough (seemed to lose air and I could never find the slow leak).  I ended up swapping for a basic foam hike mat for the last section which was equally uncomfortable but a whole lot lighter.  I also had to carry a couple of small foam pads for extra comfort under my bony hips.

Advice for Others

If you are going to carry a tent (like I did) make sure you get one which is free standing (doesn’t need to be pegged out) as the inner can be used in the shelter for protection against mosquitoes and it is also handy when the ground is hard or you don’t want to carry so many pegs.  My tent wasn’t, so I had to think of some elaborate ways to erect it without pegs at times.

I found that Spring was the best time to hike due to the longer daylight hours and water availability.