Leigh Wallace

Completed: 19 May 2012

Photo of Leigh Wallace
Leigh Wallace
  • Start date: 10 October 2008
  • Age When Completed: 62
  • Direction Walked: Sectional
  • Others in Group:

    Ian Rae

General Comments

An unforgettable experience inspired by Ian Rae and the comradeship of those who joined us along the way in Johnno, Gemini Fay and Gaz (The Rae Team), which provided a far greater appreciation of our wonderful environment and the sheer beauty of the bush. The efforts of fellow volunteers, the Foundation and DEC are to be highly commended for this outstanding facility

Favourite Section

The tall timber country around Walpole and Pemberton


The breathtaking view of the mist rising up from the Pingerup Plains being a sight to behold.

Personal Reactions

An unforgettable experience


Less then expected apart from snakes on Monkey Rock

Your Best Equipment

Keen hiking boots and walkin poles

Your Worst Equipment

Initial unsuitable backpack

Advice for Others

Just do it, you won’t regret a moment of the adventure!