John Drysdale

Completed: 6 November 2011

Photo of John Drysdale
John Drysdale
  • Start date: 25 September 2011
  • Age When Completed: 32
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

Fantastic walk and a great way to experience, in the varied environments of SW WA. Very happy I was able to get enough leave from work to do the trip. Great to see a Government investing funds into something so great for so many people.

Food/Supplies Comments

Track towns had suitable food in the supermarkets and I never had problems with availability. Watch our for arriving into a town on Sunday though.

Favourite Section

If I could only do half it would be Pemberton to Albany.


Karri forests, Southern Ocean sighting, large grass trees, beach walks and swimming at Green Pools.

Personal Reactions

Walk was long but not overly challenging. Lucky enough to ;meet some wonderful people en route anger the disappointment of my walking buddy having to abandon at Dwellingup.


First time seeing a Quenda. Several snakes on the southern half and lots of black cockatoos.

Your Best Equipment

My Whisperlite stove, running on ULP, cheap and hassle free.

Your Worst Equipment

My pack harness broke but not too badly. Loved that Osprey replaced my pack under warranty!

Advice for Others

Don’t rush, support the local towns. and work into the walk. The body adapts after a week or so.