Anthony Cole (Ant)

Completed: 28 December 2007

Photo of Anthony Cole (Ant)
Anthony Cole
  • Start date: 14 November 2007
  • Age When Completed: 49
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

The track was well marked and mostly well cleared.  The efforts of the volunteers and DEC are appreciated.  I enjoyed the hills and the beaches, but not the dune walking.  The only real problem was the Denmark to Nullaki section which has been destroyed by development.

Food/Supplies Comments

The water tastes so good.  On some of the longer sections, and intermediate toilet and water tank would be a nice luxury.

Favourite Section

Tom Road to Boarding House.


Sleeping on top of the rock behind Woolbales shelter, on a hot summer’s night. Overlooking the plains and Broke Inlet with not a single man made object visible 360 deg over many kms.

Personal Reactions

I walked it on my own, but enjoyed the company of others who I walked alongside or met at the shelters.


Once a wallaby charged out of the undergrowth and straight into my thighs, it would have been a good tackle if he had been bigger.

Your Best Equipment

My “free” Balga walking sticks which I found near Beraking.  Hopefully they are now on their way back with someone else.  I left them at Hidden Valley.

Your Worst Equipment

My Thermos, I got rid of it at the first opportunity.

Advice for Others

Concentrate on reducing the weight of your pack.  Anything not used in the first week should be sent home.