Keith Hunt (Wobbly Wanderer #1)

Completed: 12 November 2010

Photo of Keith Hunt (Wobbly Wanderer #1)
Keith Hunt
Wobbly Wanderer #1
  • Start date: 9 September 2010
  • Age When Completed: 65
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

Great experience, met some great people, shelters generally of a high standard, followed the Waugals all the way, only temporarily disorientated on a couple of occasions. Big thank you to all responsible for the maintenance and upkeep.

Food/Supplies Comments

Mainly self-catered… purchased everyday grocery /meat items at Pemberton, Walpole, Denmark and Albany.

Favourite Section

Several…mainly along the South Coast, especially all beaches.


Karri forest, sunrise at Lake Maringup, coastal scenery, a swim at Peaceful Bay (Irwin Inlet/sand bar), people met at Track towns, winning 3 Magnums in “1 stick in 6 wins” promotion.

Personal Reactions

Amazed at being able to walk that distance, having the will and health to be able to complete such a journey.


Emus, kangaroos, a piglet, a fox, a feral cat, a bandicoot, 2 bush-rats, lots of birds, 1 big dugite, around 12 other snakes, mainly tiger snakes.

Your Best Equipment

My grass-tree walking poles.

Your Worst Equipment

All good.

Advice for Others

Take your time..have around 7 rest days, eat well, look after your feet, and despite what the guide books say, always follow the Waugals at all times…even thought some may be hard to find.