Helen Rowles

Completed: 28 March 2007

Photo of Helen Rowles
Helen Rowles
  • Start date: 6 February 2007
  • Age When Completed: 53
  • Direction Walked: South to North

General Comments

A good time of the year to walk the track as not many people were out there - shared the shelter 4 times in 45 days.

Food/Supplies Comments

Two minute noodles of various flavourings which actually taste all the same, no matter what you do to them.

Favourite Section

One Tree Bridge to Balingup, Ficifolia Road to Walpole.


It was all good, every day the bush has something to give up.

Personal Reactions

I walked the track after seeing all the smiley faces in the Bibb News, then I found out that you need others to share the joy with - but I did love the solitude of a solo walk.

Your Best Equipment

Wigwam Ultralite socks.  Fairydown sleeping bag, water sipper and tent.

Advice for Others

Enjoy yourself.