Brigid Schjolden (The Corkers)

Completed: 27 February 2007

Photo of Brigid Schjolden (The Corkers)
Brigid Schjolden
The Corkers
  • Start date: 24 December 2006
  • Age When Completed: 59
  • Direction Walked: North to South
  • Others in Group:

    Thor Schjolden

Food/Supplies Comments

We thought the best source of energy was dried fruits and nuts.

Favourite Section

Walpole to Long Point. Reaching the spectacular Southern Ocean.


Walking through the giant Tingles; reaching Mandalay Beach and seeing the spectacular Southern Ocean.  Observing the incredible magnitude of the sand dunes along the coast.


Suprised at the absence of sightings of wildlife in the northern section, but loved watching the cockatoos, close encounters with kangaroos and the visiting marsupials at some of the campsites

Your Best Equipment

Hiking pole and gas cooker.

Advice for Others

If possible keep your feet clean and dry especially when walking on hot days, take your boots and socks off and give your feet and socks a chance to dry out.