Robert Yoxall (Robert)

Completed: 30 November 2002

  • Start date: 26 June 2002
  • Age When Completed: 25
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

The track was a great experience and worth all the challenge it offers. It brings the best out of you.

Food/Supplies Comments

Breaky bars, crackers & cheese, pasta and rice packs.

Favourite Section

Tom Road (was great for a swim, with the nice views of the river).


Seeing a wedge tail eagle hover over my head (about 2 metres away), and seeing a pod of about 30 dolphins.

Personal Reactions

Found myself losing weight and getting fitter. I’m a 100% better now.


Kangaroos, quendas, emus, eagles, dolphins, snakes!!

Your Best Equipment

Good shoes.

Your Worst Equipment

Popped Thermarest.

Advice for Others

Pack light, drink lots of water and just take it easy and have fun as you go.