Wendy Rayner (Rusty)

Completed: 1 November 2014

Photo of Wendy Rayner (Rusty)
Wendy Rayner
  • Start date: 26 January 2013
  • Age When Completed: 49
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

Probably my biggest achievement walking 1000km. Awesome walk and experience.

Food/Supplies Comments

I dehydrated most of my meals and snacks and was glad of the variety and decreased weight in my pack.

Favourite Section

I loved walking the coastal tracks south of Mandalay Beach. The scenery was incredible.


Walking for days on end on my own and I also was lucky enough to walk with family members on some sections. I also loved camping in the huts and being outdoors.

Personal Reactions

45 snakes in 350 km….. Scary.


Lots of kangaroos around the Showgrounds and 47 snakes in 1000kms.

Your Best Equipment

My Helinox walking poles. They hauled me up many hills and sand dunes.

Your Worst Equipment

My boots. Blisters along most of the track.

Advice for Others

Pack light. Use walking poles. Listen to others advice but it may be different to your track experience.