Joel Theodore (Teddy)

Completed: 12 October 2014

Photo of Joel Theodore (Teddy)
Joel Theodore
  • Start date: 6 September 2014
  • Age When Completed: 21
  • Direction Walked: North to South

General Comments

Awesome journey! Great physical and mental challenge. Shows how much enjoyment you can receive from simply walking. Great to meet such amazing and like-minded people, all who had such interesting stories.

Food/Supplies Comments

Resupplied in towns.

Favourite Section

Northcliffe to Denmark (Pingerup Plains).


Seeing the shelter sign at the end of each day and being able to purchase real meals in towns that didn’t consists of pasta and salt.

Your Best Equipment

My beard, kept me warm at night.

Your Worst Equipment

My watch, as it was stuck on the wrong time.

Advice for Others

Don’t dwell on it - get out there and go for it!