Steve Pontin

Completed: 5 December 2010

  • Start date: 2 October 2000
  • Age When Completed: 54
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

First set foot on the Bibb Track on about 1975 but only thought of end to end after revisiting in 2000.  I deeply appreciated the effort that has gone into the Track alignment & facilities.  My solo sectional walk has been treasured getaway over a decade.

Food/Supplies Comments

I was surprised at how little I needed to walk a section - Campsite to campsite - one muesli bar, lunch later.

Favourite Section

Along the Donnelly River - majestic and isolated.


Meeting random people, invariably interesting.  Equal but opposite: walking for days seeing no one, enjoying the solitude. At shelters: reading the journals - I’m a big fan of Gobby& Yobby.

Personal Reactions

I revelled in the contrast to everyday life, making decisions for myself.


Face to face with emus, kangaroos and wallabies

Your Best Equipment

30 year wilderness equipment pack.

Your Worst Equipment

Could never get my boots sorted.

Advice for Others

My best advice is about attitude, and it come in a comment I made at William Bay campsite, when someone complained “Why did they want to give us that hill just before the campsite?”  I said: “They didn’t want to give you a hill, they wanted to give you a view”. The hill just came with it.