Tom Hilliar

Completed: 13 November 2013

  • Start date: 7 February 2013
  • Age When Completed: 65
  • Direction Walked: Sectional

General Comments

The Track seems to be travelling well. Some sections more that others need a general re-waugalling. Shelters such as White Horse Hills and Grimwade could do with a load of wood chips on the floor.

Food/Supplies Comments

Most people seem to make do. Even people from other places who lack the ability to prepare.

Favourite Section

The whole thing.


Re acquainting myself with a goanna which I had met several years before (Blackwood - Gregory Brook). This creature was extremely inquisitive and showed me the way.

Personal Reactions

Always happy to see diferrent people in different situations on the Track and see their reactions.


Finally saw an echidna near Chadorra campsite. He disappeared under the leaf litter before I got close.

Your Best Equipment

Its all worked out. No problems.

Advice for Others

I won’t tell you again. Get out there now!